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Sick Fish? Diseases in Koi and Ponds? Dr Johnson's Health Pages Here.

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About the Book I Wrote:

Koi Health & Disease: Everything You Need To Know 2nd Edition
A lot of experience is in this book and keeping it simple is important. Buy on Amazon

NOTE: The "Sporn Halter" I'm always talking about....(Link)

NOTE: Do not give PORK bones. Please.

NOTE: Your dog WILL NOT STARVE when you feed dry dog food offered dry.

NOTE: Fish Health Pages here in DrJohnson.net

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"Miliary Dermatitis"

A cat can be very itchy and present with broken skin over the entire body. The skin will be irritated and have a gritty, granular feel to it. Hair will be missing in these areas, the areas can be juicy or dry. Scabbiness is common with these allergic symptoms.

The gritty-granular feeling dermatitis is called "Miliary Dermatitis" and the work up for this in franchise practices is extremely expensive. After the Neurology Consult things may rapidly progress to full thickness skin biopsies, fungus cultures etc. depending on how close the vet is, to making the month's quota.

It's also possible to give 7 to 9 days of oral prednisolone and if the lesions clear up (improve greatly) quickly (usually under 72 hours) then the diagnosis is confirmed; without the urinalysis and chest xrays.

Miliary Dermatitis is normally distributed across the shoulders, face, chest and neck. But it can be manifested JUST around the neck, JUST the chin, or JUST the ear flaps.

Sometimes when the ear flaps feature the miliary dermatitis it may look like Fly Strike. This is not common in cats. It's also vanishingly rare in indoor cats. However, some consideration should be given to the possibility if the medications don't work - while medicine to repel flies finally does.

If your cat has miliary dermatitis and responds to a steroid, especially if it responds without an antibiotic - it's nice to have that diagnosis but it does 'tend' to mean that some medication will be needed to maintain "level of control" for the cat, for life.

Occasionally fleas can set up miliary dermatitis and SOMETIMES in the complete abscence of fleas a cat can get over miliary dermatitis and not need continued medications.

Most flea control doesn't prevent miliary dermatitis because the flea still has to bite the cat - creating the allergies anyway.

#miliary #miliarydermatitis #fad #catallergies #allergies #feline #dermatology

Oxyfresh has been around a VERY long time and still hasn't been surpassed. I love the water additive. I recommend it's made fresh daily with distilled water, and for bad mouths - double strength. Always safe. this will NOT dissolve tartar but it will kill germs, reduce pus and infection and keep teeth from getting "bad" if they're not already. Kit includes gel and brushes.

Oxyfresh complete dental kit.

BABYLTRL Dog Cone Collar for After Surgery, Soft Pet Recovery Collar for Dogs and Cats, Adjustable Cone Collar Protective Collar for Small Medium Large Dogs Wound Healing

Anymore these days companies are NOT making cones that are long enough to protect feet, OR stop head shaking. You really just need a cone. And this is the most important part - YOU HAVE TO BE ABLE TO FIX IT TO THE COLLAR because NO CONE is tight enough to resist a back foot pushing on it. And they'll do it! (Buy The Right One on Amazon)

Something else I found for my dog "Ajax" that's cool:

Sporn Dog Halter STOPS "pulling and tugging" NOW. (Link)

This is what I use now, with my dog Ajax. I used to use the Gentle Leader, but I didn't like including his face in the thing. Now, this just goes around his chest and he DOES NOT PULL ANY MORE. It's great! Amazon.com has it.

Dog Canine K9 Knee Stifle Brace Wrap

Labra Dog Canine K9 Knee Stifle Brace Wrap Metal Hinged Flexible Support Treat ACL CCL Luxating Patella Cruciate Ligament Sprain Strain Tear Injuries

I couldn't get behind these until this one came out. It has a strap that keeps the thing from sliding down. THAT strap has a strap that keeps the thing from rolling down off the dog's rump. And the whole thing does NOT wrap around his weiner area (which would have been fine for a female dog of course) so this one has THREE key engineering points.

Buy the proper knee brace and put it on tight! 

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