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Doc Johnson

Sick Fish? Diseases in Koi and Ponds? Dr Johnson's Health Pages Here.

Fishdoc Information is HERE. Also handily searchable and ultimately readable.

About the Book I Wrote:

Koi Health & Disease: Everything You Need To Know 2nd Edition
A lot of experience is in this book and keeping it simple is important. Buy on Amazon

NOTE: The "Sporn Halter" I'm always talking about....(Link)

NOTE: Do not give PORK bones. Please.

NOTE: Your dog WILL NOT STARVE when you feed dry dog food offered dry.

NOTE: Fish Health Pages here in DrJohnson.net

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Your companion's lymph nodes are all very large. Especially changes in the submandibular and prescapular area but the popliteal lymphnodes and the inguinal lymphnodes are all prominent.
There are two practical rule outs.
The two rule outs are Lymphoma and Lymphosarcoma.
The difference is 6 months on contemporary chemotherapy. Lymphosarcoma doesn't do as well as 'regular' Lymphoma.
I can introduce you to a Veterinary Oncologist. And he's pretty good.
I can also put them on steroid/stomach meds/antibiotics/vitamin c/Colchicine which are all associated with 'more positive outcomes' but still, not even close to curative.
Practically, nothing is curative.
If you decide to 'treat' this with me, on a palliative basis, I'll put together some medications as mentioned above, and we'll get started.
If you'd like to see the oncologist, I'm also all set to refer.
My favorite local oncologist has gone to work with a corporate entity and may be required to suggest a urinalysis, flea bath, skin scrape, neuro exam and a random MRI or CT Scan before getting started. I think you have the right to decline most of those but I'm not sure. Just ask.

If you decide to do nothing at all, that's cool, too. I might do that with my own dog tbh.

Doc Johnson

Have you seen these?

These can track your pet (or kid) in real time and unless they get the thing off their collar, you can find your pet. Highest rating on Amazon - reliable and again, unlimited range. (It uses the internet)

Put one on your pet soon, and cut your chances of losing your pet.

Long range, waterproof Pet Location GPS Tracker.

Something else I found for my dog "Ajax" that's cool:

Sporn Dog Halter STOPS "pulling and tugging" NOW. (Link)

This is what I use now, with my dog Ajax. I used to use the Gentle Leader, but I didn't like including his face in the thing. Now, this just goes around his chest and he DOES NOT PULL ANY MORE. It's great! Amazon.com has it.

You can buy a fat bundle of 'wet wipes' with Cetaphil and I'd recommend it. They're great for cleaning healing wounds, dirty ears, cleansing around some eyes, under-tails, surgery sites, sores.

© 2022 Dr Erik Johnson drjohnson.com and drjohnson.net