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Sick Fish? Diseases in Koi and Ponds? Dr Johnson's Health Pages Here.

Fishdoc Information is HERE. Also handily searchable and ultimately readable.

About the Book I Wrote:

Koi Health & Disease: Everything You Need To Know 2nd Edition
A lot of experience is in this book and keeping it simple is important. Buy on Amazon

NOTE: The "Sporn Halter" I'm always talking about....(Link)

NOTE: Do not give PORK bones. Please.

NOTE: Your dog WILL NOT STARVE when you feed dry dog food offered dry.

NOTE: Fish Health Pages here in DrJohnson.net

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A lipoma is a lump of fat.
Where do they come from?
Let's imagine there are 100 fat cells. (Adipose cells)
And then your dog pokes himself with the edge of some stairs, a branch or in rough house.
And one of those 100 adipose cells breaks off the group.
Well it doesn't 'die' it just starts "doing its own thing" and growing slowly as "it's own" adipose cells. Dividing.
And eventually forms an island of adipose (lipid) cells or "mass" made of fat: LIPOMA.
They only matter if:
1. They get really big
2. They might be hard to remove IF they get really big
3. If they threaten the function of something important like an arm or eye or vent.
So unless any of the above three things seem probable, we leave 'em alone and measure 'em every year.
Skinny dogs are less likely to get Lipomas because of course the adipose tissue is rarer and there's less to 'break off' in there.

Doc Johnson

Illustrated Explainer About Lipomas

Have you seen these?

These can track your pet (or kid) in real time and unless they get the thing off their collar, you can find your pet. Highest rating on Amazon - reliable and again, unlimited range. (It uses the internet)

Put one on your pet soon, and cut your chances of losing your pet.

Long range, waterproof Pet Location GPS Tracker.

Something else I found for my dog "Ajax" that's cool:

Sporn Dog Halter STOPS "pulling and tugging" NOW. (Link)

This is what I use now, with my dog Ajax. I used to use the Gentle Leader, but I didn't like including his face in the thing. Now, this just goes around his chest and he DOES NOT PULL ANY MORE. It's great! Amazon.com has it.

Dog Canine K9 Knee Stifle Brace Wrap

Labra Dog Canine K9 Knee Stifle Brace Wrap Metal Hinged Flexible Support Treat ACL CCL Luxating Patella Cruciate Ligament Sprain Strain Tear Injuries

I couldn't get behind these until this one came out. It has a strap that keeps the thing from sliding down. THAT strap has a strap that keeps the thing from rolling down off the dog's rump. And the whole thing does NOT wrap around his weiner area (which would have been fine for a female dog of course) so this one has THREE key engineering points.

Buy the proper knee brace and put it on tight! 

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