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Protein, Carbs, Assimilation, Etc About Koi and Pond Fish Food
Generally speaking a pale food sucks. A darker pellet unless it's just dyed, are better. Kaz Takeda and Nohiro Nagata both interpret food by its oiliness and prefer a dark oily pellet.

What's IN the Food We're Feeding?

Protein matters but Koi aren't the carnivores the pundits make them out to be.

Protein and it's sources, and assimilation

Plant Proteins, to hear some people talk it will kill your koi. Especially corn. The problem is most of those folks decrying Corn don't know it's being used to supply protein AND carbohydrates to the Koi and also, ensures a complete amino acid profile against the other flesh-based proteins.

Fat, Carbs and Minerals in Koi Food

Vitamins in Koi Foods. What's the scoop? Do we really need to add vitamins to the water? Heck no.

Let's Learn How to Interpret a Fish Food Ingredients Bag

HELP! Sick Fish!
Twenty Steps to fish health. You LITERALLY can solve almost any Koi or Pond health outbreak with these twenty diagnostic steps and nothing's hard. But it's not "here's your pill" either. Downloads are available.
More than koi health, this site spans all things animal, by a real veterinarian who shoots you straight.

By Frank Prince-Iles. A UK authority who put this site together some time ago and which is still relied upon as a major source of good Koi and pond fish information

If you need pet information AND Koi pondfish and pond information you might like DrJohnson.com which has everything from pet info, to vet info, to koi and pond fish. It has it ALL! Pet Information.

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