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Basic, Beginner "Where Do We Go From Here" Page

You can make a bunch of mistakes as a newbie. Here's the "general idea" or starting point.

So, What's the Deal?

Let's just say a person was getting into Chickens. I think the most useful page would be one that answers their basic questions FIRST. Like, an orientation....Like, don't proceed without AT LEAST having this information to ground yourself.

This is going to be sort of lengthy page. I might divide it into several and the links you will need will be interspersed.

I will proceed in Question Format most of the way.

So, I am sure there are a mess of fish you can put into your pond, but what are the most common kinds of fish you see in a pond? 

I've heard some people made mistakes like putting their pond under a Maple tree or in the low spot of their yard....Where SHOULD I put the pond? 

HELP! Sick Fish!
Twenty Steps to fish health. You LITERALLY can solve almost any Koi or Pond health outbreak with these twenty diagnostic steps and nothing's hard. But it's not "here's your pill" either. Downloads are available.
More than koi health, this site spans all things animal, by a real veterinarian who shoots you straight.

By Frank Prince-Iles. A UK authority who put this site together some time ago and which is still relied upon as a major source of good Koi and pond fish information

If you need pet information AND Koi pondfish and pond information you might like DrJohnson.com which has everything from pet info, to vet info, to koi and pond fish. It has it ALL! Pet Information.

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