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A Case Outcome
Above is a link for API's dechlor / Stress Coat, Pond Strength
Outcomes: When the pond was cooled, the losses basically stopped. The fish became lethargic and went to the bottom. A few of the worst fish which were about to die when the water was warmer continued to become sicker and died.
Some other fish were brought inside and rapidly warmed to 80 oF, and made remarkable recoveries. Spring 2003 is not here as of this writing but there is some encouragement that if rapidly warmed, these fish may recover.
Post Script:
It bears mentioning that it is the professional opinion of most researchers and ornamental fish health specialists in this field, that in the interest of the health of our nation's Koi and carp livestock, all individuals and retailers suspecting that their fish might be infected with SVC or KHV should request testing for these infectious agents.
My (ELJ) position has been to recommend that retailers and wholesalers decline SVC testing and to destroy fish which might be infected. This represents irresponsible behavior on the part of the dealer and puts the hobby at risk because it will hamper attempts to detect and eliminate the SVC virus. However, the position is a result of the following:
Currently, if your fish are diagnosed with SVC you will be summarily bankrupted by the following processes currently in place:
There is (in fact) financial compensation for lost livestock which may be tested and slaughtered.Requests to operate under a new business name with new broodstock and new production ponds will probably be (and have been) denied.
The problem with the financial remuneration policy is that there is NO MONEY allocated in ANY fiscal budget to make the promised payment.
No official process exists to formally determine the length of impound and quarantine. You may be under quarantine for an indefinite period of time.
There are no mechanisms to protect your identity and you may be informed of your SVC infection along with the rest of the industry, simultaneously.
There is no standard format, nor standard interval for testing of your peers or competitors, so you may be the only organization subjected to the penalties associated with reportable SVC infections.
*Errors or omissions in the above are possible but are unintentional. Some of the above is based on hearsay, opinion or verbal exchanges with researchers in the field. Newer information may be available.

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