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Tramisol Levamisol for Worms in Koi
I have tried the injectable and found the oblets to be cheaper, more available and easier to dose.

Tramisol Levamisol for Worms in Koi
Levamisole (Tramisol) - by Doc Johnson
Levamisole can be added to the diet at 0.1% of the amount and fed for 7 days for removal of nematodes.
As a water additive, Levamisole Phosphate can be used effectively as a dewormer for Goldfish and Koi, among other species, as an indefinite and safe treatment. The dosage is 0.5 ppm (zero- point-five PPM) added directly to the system without impediment to the filter or fish.

Levamisole / Tramisol will NOT KILL FLUKES

"Almost any veterinarian can and will get Tramisol if you ask nicely." ~ Doc Johnson

HELP! Sick Fish!
Twenty Steps to fish health. You LITERALLY can solve almost any Koi or Pond health outbreak with these twenty diagnostic steps and nothing's hard. But it's not "here's your pill" either. Downloads are available.
More than koi health, this site spans all things animal, by a real veterinarian who shoots you straight.

By Frank Prince-Iles. A UK authority who put this site together some time ago and which is still relied upon as a major source of good Koi and pond fish information

If you need pet information AND Koi pondfish and pond information you might like DrJohnson.com which has everything from pet info, to vet info, to koi and pond fish. It has it ALL! Pet Information.

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