Fish Disease Diagnosis
Fish Disease Treatments
Ponds, Aquaria & Filtration

Is string algae bad? What kind of algae is good?
String algae
is considered bad by pond owners but it's very good for fish and for the environment because all green algae consumes phosphates and nitrates which would otherwise contribute to a significant background pollution and eventually harm the fish.
However, string algae in particular has the ability to bind the impeller of most pumps. So it's negative effect on filtration has it on folks' "bad side".
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All GREEN algae is good for fish whether it's a tight green carpet or a billowing filamentous string algae. Many fish will eat it as a second choice to regular food.
It's fact that Lymnozyme / Koizyme somehow causes algae of all kinds to become tighter, shorter and less of a problem - but this is not one of their marketing claims and it does NOT kill algae. It was just noted as a good side effect.
Algae, of the green kind, is a good thing in all instances except when it impacts filtration by being caught in your pump.
Algae's effect on dissolved oxygen:
During the daylight hours and with bright sunshine, green algae produces prodigious amounts of
dissolved oxygen.

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During the night, if their is insufficient water agitation or surface exposure, the water's dissolved oxygen content is REDUCED by algae - because at night, algae consumes oxygen and gives up
carbon dioxide.
Algae also sustains the growth of Philodina. (Look it up!)
"Koi Health & Disease" by Dr. Erik Johnson DVM is 200+ pages from Fish Health Practice - Readable by Beginners and delivered overnight from

Fish disease problems? Need some help? The help pages take you through the basics of the 'fish health work-up' diagnosis method and basic fish disease treatment methods.

90% of all health problems and fish deaths are caused by poor fish keeping! The key pages are essential reading for all beginners and intermediates who are serious about disease prevention.


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Expanded Content by Dr. Erik Johnson, and Used with Permission; Frank Prince-Iles ©2009 All Rights Reserved